Saturday, May 08, 2004

Ogre-Whelming Early Demand
I watched American Psycho again recently, everyone should see it, I think it's my favorite movie in my collection. I hope to update this blog a bit more often over the summer. I might have some more freetime. We'll see. I'll be working a lot, hopefully, maybe at Hollywood Video, it'd be good since they have movies there and such. Though, I may end up working at CopyMax again since I'm guaranteed a job there, I hate that place, but I need money. As I've changed my major to media arts, I hope to make at least one or two short films this summer and work on and possibly finish a script for a big movie I have in mind that I'd like to get underway starting immediately next semester. I'll try and keep everyone updated on any movies I do. Any movie or character ideas would be greatly appreciated, as well as ideas for good music for a soundtrack as well as scenes that might go along with a particular song. I also plan on posting a list of movies that people should watch over the summer. Just stuff that I enjoy or that I think folks should watch to expand their knowledge of modern cinema, like Masked and Anonymous. I'll also want to do a post on upcoming movies or projects underway involving some of my favorite directors, actors, and writers. If anyone else gets any good ideas for post ideas, message me or leave something in the comments and I'll take off on it. Um- other than all that, there's a few really promising movies on the Apple Trailers site, look along the left side after clicking the link and look for Mr. 3000, Sleepover, and The Door in the Floor, I can't wait to see them all, they're going to be fantastic.

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