Friday, March 05, 2004

Just a blog. . . for now
It seems everything's been worked out to begin this here blog. There's a place to leave comments beneath each blog post, comments are always fun, I put that there for you guys - the readers. It's like my very own blog forum. Just click on the thing that says comments, and leave any comments you want - comments or questions, both work. I'll try and answer any questions anyone has. That's why it's there - in my blog. I have some pretty good links on the right. I visit those often, and now anyone can link to them directly from my blog. keeps me up to date on all the news in the world. I like to know what's going on in politics, you know, maybe what's happening in the economy, the stock market is part of that. I'm an artist, so there's a couple art sites. I like movies, so there's some movie sites. Everyone likes imdb, it's the internet database of movies, and there are many . . . movies. You'll notice that I don't have such a great title for my blog. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it that way, I couldn't really think of anything else that would fit my blog.

Well- I believe that'll just about do it for my first blog post. I think it went pretty well for all of us. I hope to update my blog perhaps 2-3 times per week, that sounds pretty good. I might talk about movies or somethin and, to those reading my blog, I have some good ones I can recommend . . . some good movies, I mean. Anywho, feel free to leave your very own comments on my blog to this blog post and feel free to browse the site - er, blog.

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